Home Ed Resources
As Salaamu Alaikum wa RahmatulLahi wa Barakatu,
Alhamdulilah we had the privilege of Ustadha Rukayat Yakub join us for a webinar on Mastering Primary English: A Workshop for Home- Schooling Success.
As promised, here is the list of resources from Ustadha Rukayat’s talk.
Primary English Language Resource List
- The Clear Quran for Kids (Dr Mustafa Khattab)
- The Clear Quran (Tafsir for Kids) Dr Mustada Khattab
- American Heritage Children’s Dictionary (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
- American Heritage Children’s Thesaurus (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
- Yunus and the Whale by Hajja Noura DurkeStories from the Seerah podcast by Dr. Bano Murtuja http://storiesfromtheseerah.supercast.com
- Malcolm Little: The Boy Who Grew up to Become Macolm X by Ilyasah Shabazz
- Maryam Sinclair (storyteller): When You Hear, You’ll See http://www.stories-of-light.com
- Sing a Song by Kelly Starling Lyons
- Jamilah Thomkins Bigelow (Children’s Book Author and Educator)
- The Walking Quran by Rudolph T. Ware III
- The Shmail al- Muhammadiyya, Al-Ghazali Institute https://www.imamghazali.org
- The Shifa of Qadi Iyad: Qadi ‘Iyad Ibn Musa al Yahsubi, Diwan Press
- Jannah Jewels
If you are interested in continuing working with Ustadha Rukayat on a weekly basis to learn Montessori strategies to work with your home-schooled child, click here to find out about our home-ed coaching program.
If you would like Ustadha Rukayat to teach your child Montessori English Year 5/6 (grades 4-6) course click here.